Each year in June, thousands of innocent lives are lost as dogs are barbarically slaughtered during the notorious dog meat festival in Yulin, China. Our rescue partners bravely take to the festival streets in an effort to get as many dogs as they can to safety, but this work is incredibly risky, and essential funds and supplies have begun to dwindle.
The availability of dog meat is widespread throughout Asia and consists of dogs being stolen from homes, sourced from farms, and transported incredibly long distances in horrific conditions to be slaughtered and their meat to then be sold for consumption.
Many of these dogs undergo inhumane suffering and are tightly packed into small crates without food or water. Our hearts break day after day knowing dogs are being mistreated and used for their bodies. We feel it is our job to provide knowledge to our community on this issue and spotlight 10 things you may not have known about the Dog Meat Trade.
The Numbers of Dogs Affected Are Staggering
China is the world’s largest consumer of dog meat. There are about 10 – 20 MILLION dogs slaughtered each year.
Many of these dogs are used as part of Asia’s Yulin Dog Meat Festival. This festival is barbaric and many gather to celebrate the misfortune of dog’s who are used and abused for their meat. The festival has happened every year since 2009 despite the world’s outrage and has no plans to stop.
Countries Involved
The Dog Meat Trade is most widely popular in China, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. This trade is sadly well-organized with thousands and thousands of dogs being taken off the streets and homes to then be transported to a kill-house where they are tortured then slaughtered.
Dog Meat Festival
There was a festival that “celebrates” the slaughtering of dog’s for their meat. The Yulin Dog Meat Festival happens every year in China. Each year over 10,000 dogs are killed and eaten. Dogs aren’t the only animal highlighted in this festival, cat meat is also sold and eaten.

The Dogs Are Tortured
These poor creatures are not only transported in small crates so tightly they aren’t able to move, but they also aren’t provided with food and water. Along the way during transportation, many dogs become ill and suffer from dehydration, malnourishment, suffocation, or even heat stroke.
In many Asia countries, dogs are also force-fed food to increase their weight gain before sending them off to their death.
Who Eats Dog Meat?
Dog Meat is mainly, but not exclusively, eaten by older, male consumers under the misapprehension of health benefits. Many children are raised to believe eating dog meat is safe and not to be frowned upon.
Dog Meat Bans
Dog Meat Bans exist in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore; and Indonesia has recently supported this ban. We are grateful for these countries who have stepped up and supported the ban on this barbaric and inhumane act.

Human Health Risks
Dog meat poses a significant risk to human health. Dog meat has been linked to rabies, trichinellosis, and cholera. Dog meat also causes risk of infection from deadly diseases such as E-Coli, Salmonella, as well as contracting deadly bacterial diseases.
Legal Status
The Act that prohibits the killing of dogs for food serves a minimum penalty of 1,000 pesos which is equivalent to US$22 and less than 6 months of imprisonment. Despite the actions coded in this law, law enforcement officers do little to nothing to stop this illegal trade.
Dog Meat Belief
Due to a traditional belief, the higher the adrenaline levels of a dog during slaughter makes the meat more tender and increases the supposed health benefits. This means dogs are tortured, electrocuted, and often times hung to ensure the adrenaline levels are met.
You Can Help
You can speak out about the Dog Meat Trade, adopt a dog that has been rescued from a Dog Meat trade situation, share your thoughts and these tips on social media, and donate to a rescue organization who helps and supports animals who have been saved from this horrific situation.
The Dog Meat Trade is horrific and needs to be stopped indefinitely. Please share this blog with family and friends to spread awareness in hopes that this will one day end. Spreading education is key and the more people know about this horrific trade, the better we can all work together to put a stop once and for all.
Support Our Rescue Partners Efforts With These Open Dog Meat Trade Campaigns: